
Writing is the painting of the voice.

A yellow emoji dice made out of paper displaying emoji expressions. The background is purple and blue.

Emoji Dice Templates: A Fun Way to Help Kids Write Creative Stories

Emojis are a fun and popular way to communicate with friends and family. But they’re…

A set of printable cards in eight colours for helping children with creative writing. Each card displays the reading genre and a linear illustration.

Flash Cards of Creative Writing Topics and Genres

Visual flash cards to help children explore their creative writing skills.

Their There They’re Posters

A minimal set of posters for understanding their, there and they are.

teaching resource pangrams

Pangram Cards and Template

Sentences containing every letter of the alphabet.

editable would you rather template printable for schools

Would you rather…

Would you rather master every musical instrument or master every type of sport?

Five colourful posters for helping children express their feelings

Monster Feelings with Definitions (Editable)

These six monsters can’t wait to tell you how they feel!

simple cube templates editable

Simple Cube Templates (Editable)

A customisable cube template for creating games, story starters and lots more.

A set of colourful posters for explaining punctuation

Punctuation Posters (Editable)

A set of posters displaying the 12 most common punctuation marks.

Two documents for creating a glossary

Glossary Template (Editable)

A simple template for creating a glossary.

An editable feelings wheel in various colours

The Feelings Wheel (Editable)

Create your own feelings wheel with our editable template.

A customisable newspaper displaying the word of the day

Newspaper Word of the Day, Week, Month and Year

A set of four posters in the style of an old newspaper to help improve…