
Blue letters in a grid where the vowels are highlighted from the consonants

Vowels and Consonants Alphabet

An alphabet that differentiates between vowels and consonants.

Their There They’re Posters

A minimal set of posters for understanding their, there and they are.

The international phonetic alphabet

NATO Phonetic Alphabet

The official NATO phonetic alphabet in colourful squares, used to indicate what speech or letters…

Arrows displaying letters that are connected together to build words

Arrow Alphabet Word Building

A word building activity for beginner readers. 

spelling game for ipad

Mystery Word Town has you catching criminals with your spelling skills

In Mystery Word Town, the Huevos Rancheros Gang have stolen gold and are hiding out…

funny grammar quote today we are going to cut and paste kids

Check grammar, improve word choice and detect plagiarism

The website Grammarly is an online grammar checker that claims to be the most accurate in…

A magical and intriguing bookshelf

Plan, teach & assess literacy with Highland Literacy

The Highland Literacy Project has very detailed resources for planning, teaching and assessing literacy.