Math Blast is mental arithmetic in space

mental arithmetic app in space

Math Blast is a simple but unique style of maths game where the user must control a rocket by tapping on the screen to change its direction. In order to know what direction to travel in, you must solve a number of maths problems first.

All of the answers are displayed on stars, so you have to think carefully about which star to visit. Travelling to the wrong one will lose you a life. When you’ve collected all the stars (and avoided any comets), the level is complete.

math blast mental arithmetic game collect stars

The app covers +, -, x and ÷ sums which gradually increase in difficulty. As players progress through the levels they achieve awards which can be printed off or emailed. The app also supports multiple users so it’s ideal for a classroom environment.

Overall, Math Blast feels more like a game than a learning tool but this is no bad thing. This unique style of learning mental arithmetic is something we’d love to see more of.

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